Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How about a little sugar for your tea?

Oh my oh my. Have you noticed the new scare tactics for those people of birther type mentality? Put their fingers in their ears and shout loudly "lalalalalalallalalala I can't hear you". Wow, ignorant or what? Now my friends THAT is the true definition of unpatriotic. How about we string these folks up on charges (well after we create kenyan birth certificates for them all. Apparently it is very easy to do on the internet. I've just created a couple for my kids hoping that I can get a scholarship for them both from some kenyan organization). Please...isn't there something called "polite society" and that one of the rules in polite society is that you can disagree but you must be civil and listen to each other's opinion. I guess of course unless you are a sour ignoramous who just knows that their guy didn't win so they don't want to play anymore. Did you ever notice the person that shouts over you or just yells and screams typically has no knowledge of the subject they are supposedly defending? On those rare occasions when they don't scream you down, try asking a few intelligent questions (or even a few not super intelligent but questions most common sense 3rd graders could answer). They can't answer. They can only spout propaganda. Brainwashed stuff. C'mon people.....be real Americans. Be real Patriots. I dare you.

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