Sunday, June 14, 2009

Might not Kvetch but what the f

Might not be kvetching here tho there is a lot to kvetch about. Going to a wake today for a 16 year old boy. One of my daughters friends brothers. This is a hard one to explain/teach how to handle. The one way I have handled how to deal with crazy/horrid stuff in my life is to use it as a learning experience for my children. To know that you were teaching someone how to deal with life really put things in perspective for me. This time its all about how to be a friend when it is uncomfortable and not easy. How to listen to what they need and measure your words. Say less, listen more. Learn how to read the person for what they need. I'm proud of the girls that are going today to support their friend. When you are young you sometimes don't realize how the simple act of being there is sometimes the thing that speaks the loudest.

As it always is when things like this happen you look at the world a little differently. You cherish the small things, you realize how lucky you are. Its sad that this is a fleeting feeling and soon we'll all go back to underappreciating and taking for granted all the little things.

The one thing that I am very proud of my daughter for is that she is not making this her tragedy. Even tho she is very sad for her friend and feels horrible about it, she is not mooning about using this as her personal tragedy excuse. I positively hate when people have things like this happen and they use it as if it is their tragedy. I think it probably is hard for people to see things are not always all about them. I have acquantances that whenever someone dies, even if they were not close to them are devastating. Its all about them. Oh my god, the woman that used to babysit for my children 15 years ago, well her mother died. No I didn't know the mother, and no I haven't talked to her in 10 years but oh my god I can barely function as I'm so sad. Wha?????????

I guess I did kvetch, huh?