Friday, July 31, 2009

I get annoyed sometimes. Yea, me. Here what is annoying me currently. You know how you tell someone that there is an issue, or you mentioned that something is irking you and then they totally ignore it cause they know that you have ADD and will probably forget it? I admit I am truly "look monkey look" and get distracted but it just shows a lack of respect to play that game. But that is life and not the only thing that is pissing me off (ooh have moved from annoyance to pissed....not a good sign!!) It just seems like I'm detecting a complete lack of effort from some people. People people people, put in a little time. I'd go into further explanation but its too much work......

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More ravings

After two weeks of a personal pity party (to which many were invited but few, well no one participated) I have decided that the universe has won. I give! I surrender!! You Win UNIVERSE I HOPE YOU ARE FREAKIN HAPPY. Truly while the snacks and liquor at the PPP was quite tasty, the company definitely was not. I supppose I got too bored of being sad, blue, maudlin, boohooey (this is to a real word, look it up mate!), hopeless, at the end of my rope, at the beginning of the end, up a creek without a paddle, paddling up stream, so now I'm full of vim and vigor, shit and sugar, just jolly as roger (I have no idea what that means, I mean I know what being rogered means and it could make one jolly I suppose).

Anyway.....from here on out it is little ms. friggin sunshine. Happy happy joy joy

Monday, July 27, 2009


menopause. Its a blast. The heartburn, the belching, the sweating. Every morning I wake up singing I feel pretty than immediately go pluck the new stray chin hairs which rapidly are becoming cheek hairs. and my god....the white pubic hairs. That is like a slap in the face of your sexuality. Yea mate, you may feel randy and such but we are going to remind you as soon as you drop your drawers that you would be better served baking muffins or brushing up on your canasta skills....dead sexy.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


So we are about to enter the badger arena. Currently fully in tune with being demons, blue ones. Wow, about 89K to be demons and now just about 24k to be a badger. A bargain at any price!!!

Here is the one thing to never ever ever ever do when you had life decide that your well ordered savings plans and such were going to be needed for use on elderly parents, sick relatives and daily living expenses when one of your jobs tanked instead of for college like you planned. Don't and I repeat DON"T talk to any of your friends who are in Europe....or specifically Austria......where things like college are free.

Oh well...who needed to retire or have things anyhow! Think of how young it will keep me to work 60 hour weeks until I'm 85!!